don't forget to scream

I panic and then I run away. This is a reoccuring problem I am often having to face after the initial act. I'm no good with confrontation and having to correct a wrong has never been my strong suit. If anything happens that I don't think I can handle, I avoid it, and I just try to let it work itself out, but I think it's understable that that rarely works. There are a million ways to be a victim of a million things. There are a million ways to be the criminal in a million different things. For everything you do, there is a better and more appropiate way of going about it you never thought about, but now wish you had. I think that too much people act on impulse without thinking, and it causes them to hurt, and causes whoever they may have wronged to hurt. What you think might have been the right way to do something, often is not. Don't hesitate to fall, but don't be quick to the draw either. love
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I came to your diary before you had written an entry and I liked it, so I wrote your diary name down and here I am.

I run away from everything.

And I abosulutely despise the way that I have done things in the past. I wish I could back and change them.
I suppose so, and I try to forget, but it lodges there, in my mind. To come back and tell me when I'm feeling down.

But I will fight it. And one day, I'm going to win.
