
Feeling: happy
Today was a fun day. I got to go downtown with Shauna finally & I got my hair did. Mmmhmm, I like it. Yeah so we had a million & three cups of coffee (minus the million) which is always good. We spent about 3 hours downtown, so you can just imagine all the things we might have done. Oh we saw Charles there, WEIRD. Then we headed over to the mall & spent about 4 hours over there. Which was pretty fun seeing how the mall is usually stupid. new hair cut, hmm... thosearereallybadpictures. Anyways, I really need to go to bed, I havent been getting enough sleep at all. p.s I REALLY need a new digital camera, mine is falling apart, any givers? huh? huh? ---- yeah i think im having an anxiety attack, weird, i dont like this at all.
Read 8 comments
i like your hair.

and i dyed mine black a few days ago too.

i want my knife back..
love the new layout
and the haircut of course
i used to have bangs and my hair grew out so it kinda looks like jennifer aniston's hair in the 4th season of friends now... your hair looks good

party on!
your diary is cool..howd you get a pic in your entry?
aw cute alexa! no we didnt go to the karaoke bar. we didnt do much really.. but its all good because it just is.
[Anonymous] pics are huge for some reason but atleast thre up:)
lmao. any givers? yeah..sure alexa.ur crazy.but i love you!!! =) your diary is very green.its preeeeety.i love u.lets hang out plzzzzzz cuz i miss you xoxo love u baby!