70's hair-doo

Feeling: lovable
okay well today i went downtown with shauna & it was really fun, we saw this hot, hot guy, chandler, working at the movie theatre, & so later on i was telling my friend, tawny, about what he looked liked, & thats when we both realized, im such a sucker for guys with long/shaggy hair, its like a fettish of mine, haha... speaking of hair, im thinking of going for a new style, i was looking through my moms yearbooks & i love how all the girls flipped out their hair & feathered it down the side, its so 70's, & what a surprise, thats when shaggy hair was majorly hip, haha. & im gonna start dressing differanty, like a 70's/80's style, anyways, im so pissed! today ashton came in to use my scale & shes lost like 10 pounds since summers started, thats so not cool, but ive decided to go on a veggie diet, yes shauna, im going vegetarian, but it probably wont last long, haha, but my point is, im changing, & by the time school starts ill be way differant, just wait... from your majorly hip friend, alexa. p.s- i was looking for orgasmic as one of the moods & they dont have it! they have "megalomaniacal" but no orgasmic...
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I told you being a vegetarian wasn't horrible. lol.
hey gurl
..cant believe i just said gurl right there...

yeah long hair is really hott, dosent even have to be shaggy.

woah! totally different alexa comming our way...i dont think i can handle it.

Frwieh Faucet was a really big hair-trend in the 70s, =look you like.

pointless trivia!

good luck on your diet...maybe theyll differ from mine and last more than a day.


aka the ruler of our mortal realm
yeah, i figure i will count them down too. i guess im kinda excited about going. but i only wanna go the first day, and then it can go back to summer again.
haha sounds liek a great mood! maybe scott will add it...ill bug him...
ok hes adding it! hehe! sweet!