people are strange

Listening to: ... the doors du-huh
Feeling: jolly
ew...... i was joking & i text messgaed this guy alex on my friends phone & said, 'will you go out with me?' & later on i guess he figured it was me & he thought i was serious & he said yes... noooo!!... i dont like shy guys, i dont like when people say 'killer' or 'cruise' or 'moto', i dont like rap, i dont like oxnard, i dont like girls that are obssesed with themselves, i dont like people who call me names in spanish, i dont like people who think indie music is indian music, i dont like people who critsize anything out of the ordinary, & i could go on, but i wont... & i do not want to go to the movies on friday with alex!!!!! okay im done... all i want is to take a train to my dads house & play with my cats...... why cant i be 5 again? ..... why cant things just be simple?....
Read 9 comments
my love..things are never perfect.. =(


ha! i know that i am training..but i duno about u...with u..i have my doubts..mwahahahahaha lllloooooooveeeeeeee youuuuuuuuu!
you dont like a lot of things. neither do i.
O so true, we can be five together, but more importantly, lets go to the movies on friday, hahaha y dad said i cant go to modest mouse, but i will.
people who think indy music is indian should be shot wih a fucking arrow, HAHAHA IM JUST PICTURING YOU LISTENING TO INDIAN MUSIC, AND DANCE TO THE SUN GODS HAHHAHAA
Because humanity is perpetually stupid, and you can never regain your youth. Life sucks. Live it up when you can or you'll regret not doing stuff like I do.
that pic is hott. it has that pizzazz to it. lol i'm wierd.
alexa , me and you are gonna have alot of ufn this weekend
it is decided
okay bye
i think we should satrt meditating too, with you dads books and whatever you were talking about on friday
if life was simple, we would all be walking around bored off of our asses.
Just tell him you were messing around, and sorry if you hurt his feelings.
haha indie=indian


oh no.
