this is fucked

Listening to: choking v. - in hell
Feeling: unmotivated
oxnard oreintaion, well it sucked ass! the people suck, the staff sucks, the whole school sucks... i cant go there, theres NO way! damnit, i belong at foothill... & im on the damn waiting list, but the gay secretary said i probably wouldnt get in until next year!!! & im like, no!!! theres gotta be a faster way, so im making my mom call again, bribe if you must, i need to get in! so, this weekend im going camping on the coast with el-amy-o, 2 days & 2 nights of nothing but surfing, helll yesss... but im not sure if we can get a campsite, damnit! but we can still go surfing... & dominque told me im allowed at her house again, & she wants me to spend the night & hangout with her & her crew when she has independant study, but i already told her i was gonna go with amy, so i think the purpose of all this, was to make me choose her over amy & im not gonna choose any sides, damnit! oh & tawny, dont even get me started... this whole situation is fucked, i hate it! :-( & theres nothing i can do :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( ... :'(. oh yeah i finally got my l.o.c & choking v., cds & now im not really into them, damnit there goes 25 bucks... :'(.
Read 10 comments
I have to go
peeeee, really
oh alexa.

that does suck.

but, see, you can do someting about it...

kill the secretary.

what goes up, must come down. and vice versa.

camping this weekend will purify you and cure us all.

sides- whatta a no-no. you can just not come tomarow if you like, id understand. and now chandler says hes going to go after school. god hes so moody.

later love

guilty thoughts of you.
what about the situtation with tawny???i need her number..if you cant get in foothill come to ACHS!! please!!!!!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!my friend that is a and him are sooo tight like best friends itght..and he is so fucking joke...and hes always omg...u gotta meet him and DUDE!hes hott..haha there are a lot of hot guys in camarillo..haha no joke...i <3 u!!tomorrow is my orientation..but yea..haha P.O.Laaaaaatttte xoxo
hey, if you want to critisize then go to a different diary. i dont need to hear it. otherwise i dont know what you are talking about... about being hard? whats that about? but if your going to give me shit about stuff just because abercrombie said stuff... thats not my fault. even if she said something. but i dont need shit in my diary. so if you are going to keep giving it. then go to a different diary and start something there.
iss all coo!!!
wow you are really immature. if you were bored.. then move to a different diary. i dont need your shit.
hiii there
hey bitch cant handle us then tell your stupid ass friends not to fuck with shit they cant handle okay
ps no one gives a fuck that your a miserable bitch who follows the rule misery loves company toodles
"Morning Glory" is this old Kate Hepburn movie- I've actually never seen it but it sounds cool lol. Thanks- I love your header pic too : )
hey thanks for the comment. i love the alvin & the chipmunks pic. check out the comment i left on abercrombiefuglie's diary. payce.