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Feeling: bored
Hello all, my friends seem to like to do this so I figured I'd give it a try. Im an Arts and Technology major at the University of Texas at Dallas. For those who don't know what that is, that means I am learning how to do all the computer animations and film editing you see in the movies and tv. It also teaches me how to be a creative writer or something like that, never really have been one but we will see how it turns out. I decided to go for this major because I enjoy working on videos and enjoy seeing my ideas played out on film. I've made a few short videos you can see on my website if your lucky enough to have a high speed internet connection. The site is I recomend that you watch Julie the Enforcer, Tribute To My Friends, or System Overload Music Video for Breakdown. The video titled Julie the Enforcer was in an arts festival we have at my university to display students art work. And Julie is a really nice person, she'd kill me if I didn't let you in on that information. I am currently working on writing a script to make a film over the next semester to be in next years art festival. This one is going to be my first serious film, Im hopeing to make it at least 30 mins long but dont know if I can or not. Will keep you updated as I go along with it. Well thats all I have for today, will try to keep up with this but dont know how much I will or not. Till Next Time Donald
Read 5 comments
Good luck on the film, I hope it comes out the way you want. Just don't kill my boyfriend off! ;) Dawn
good deal with the diary, but with all your practice in webpages and stuff, would think your site would be a lot cooler;) just giving you a hard time... nice to see you put up an entry...
Donnie Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

Hey, that's effing awesome about your film. And I'm sure Dawn's the only one who'd miss Aaron if you killed him off. I'm kidding, I'm only kidding. But that's really cool, so good luck with that.


i looked at ur videos, very funny, i like them. :-P
welcome 2 sitdiary :)
thanx. you too