New Production Name

Feeling: content
Well it has come apparent to me that, while I do like the name "Monkey for Parts Productions", I need a new name to sign at the end of my film work to show that it is me making them. I wanted a more professional sounding name since my videos have started to become more serious then strictly humor. Don’t get me wrong I will still make the funny ones when I come up with them I just don’t want to turn people away from my work just because of the name. Well I've been doing some thinking and I first came up with "Entity". I liked it very much but it still seemed like it was missing something. Well with the help from my friend Josh I now have the new name for my productions. From now on my productions will be named "My Entity". The definition for ‘Entity’ is that which is perceived or known or inferred to have its own distinct existence (living or nonliving). I believe this fits because I want my videos/films to have their own distinct existence from other videos and films. I want you to be able to watch my films and automatically realize that I was the maker of that film in turn making it “My Entity”. I will be working on a graphic logo to place at the end of my films which I hope to have soon. Please comment and let me know what you think. I also have a myspace account, don't worry I post the same entries on both so you don't have to go there to read my entries from now on, and its url has also now changed to
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80 percent!!
I like the name. It fits with the cutting edge sound of today. Maybe if you added those flames to the logo it would be a little more pleasing. -joshuA