Wooo hooo

Feeling: torn
My first "real" day of classes was today. I say that with the "" cause I had a class on Monday that they canceled and I had to replace it with a diff one. Now I have all 5 of my classes on Tuesday and Thursday. I was in class from 9:30am to 9:45pm today. Granted I had 2 breaks it still sucked. Im really tired after all them. Thursdays wont be as bad cause I will be done at 6:45pm. Tuesdays from 7pm to 9:45pm I have an understanding film class and that pretty much did it in for me today. But there is some good news though. At the beggining of last semester I entered my name in a raffle at the commet carnavil. You were suppost to be able to enter your name in it at every campus event you attended but I only entered my name at that one. Well they drew for the raffle on the 1st and they sent me and email today saying I won a $100 gift card to the oncampus book store. So that made my day. Well I'm getting tired. Till Next Time Donald
Read 2 comments
$100? That's sweet.

I hope your semester goes well for you and that your film classes don't kick your ass.

Have a great day.

Its only that song..I can look at stuff he's given me, can look at photos, can talk to him...everything but listen to that song. Congrats on ya $100 gift vouchery thingo :p