
the dark clouds filled over our head. something wasnt right. i felt a cold presence around me. it felt almost as though my senses enhanced a million times. i took a step only to find a knife to my throat. "lets go precious. who are you with?" the man said. he was wearing a cape and all black. "shes with me" tina said,"come on, moe. not funny" she smiled. "haha" moe said," just wanted to make sure she was cool." moe almost looked like a giant. big, tall, and very muscular. but you could tell that he had a soft side. "oh! so YOU'RE moe!" i said giving him a big hug. "ive heard so much about you!" moe gave tina a dirty look. "this place is supposed to be a secret. what did i tell you about telling people?" moe said with a frown on his face. he looked serous. "its nothing, these guys are the only ones i told. they dont ditch. plus, they're here arent they. moe, chill!" tinna said in her defense. "im just amking sure. you remember what happened last time. your ex-best friend ended up ditching on you. she ran away. OTHER one that knows of this place. well, lets not get worked up. i bet you guys are hungery." moe took us to a restaurant and paid for the food. i looked like a bum. everyone did beside tina. only because she's been here before. "let's get you guys street attire. they'll kill you if they see that you took like tourists," moe offered. we went to a clothes store that had unusual clothing. something that you would find in the medieval era. i chose to wear a dark green peasant dress with boots and a black cape. the exact attire i had always imagined myself in. "edward, check this out!" i said to him. he stood in a outfit that looked like something a prince would wear in a disney movie. i just started laughing. "do you like it? haha. if you ever become a damsel, i can save you!" he said with a smile. "edward, you are my prince" i responded giving him a kiss. "god! you two are soo gross! even me and binjii arent that bad. damn. get a room next time" tina skreeked. she had seen us kiss in front of her a million times and everytime thought of her and her lover, binjii. "speak of the devil, when do i finally get to meet him?! i get to make fun of you and watch you two make-out! and then tell YOU TWO to get a room! how fun" i responded. "ha ha. you wish. we're meeting him tonight. he had some family crisis to go to. really important. ive been waiting years to see him. i think i can wait another couple of hours." everyone was in their outfit, so we decided to go look around town. it wasnt deserted anymore. the streets filled with witches, goblins, fairies, and warlocks. it was absolutely amazing. we all went looking at the different stores. of course, since im a kitchen witch, i HAD to go look at all the herbs and spices. i bought a bunch. if we were going to be traveling for a while, i would imagine that we would like some food. edward and i strolled the sidewalks holding hands and looking at different items. now we needed protection. we went to a hunting store that was mainly used for self-deffence. edward purchased a dagger and a sword. i got a bow and arrow and a small knife to put in my boot. tina was already attired with a bow, knife, sword, and amor. shes such a bad ass. moe had his things and alexa got a small knife considering that she was eight. after getting all our supplies, we started off. now, it would be a long adventure to the castle.
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wow is that a song u memorized kool hey i'm new here and i was wondering if you would be my friend cause i really like the way you learn the lyrics to all your favorite songs i guess so yea later reply soon.....