4-day weekend

Feeling: blah
well on thrusday i hung out with beth and baked ....the the next day we hung out with jordan for her b-day and stuff .....with a limo ...oh so much fun and amanda too....it was so much fun we went to the 99cent store and bought random shit then we had to pee really bad and the driver took us to oxnard it was crazy and we saw nick and yeah we went pee and had cold stone....then we picked up sean and alex and thery friends..but then yeah and the next day o0o so much more fun....
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yea samethin with me.
like i had spent all my money by the time i got to the store with that shirt & my mom said she wouldnt buy me anythin :( but its all good. i*ll get it eventually...

and thanks.
i just changed my layout :)

i love limos