mother Left

Feeling: alive
things are going okay i love my asains tho Nade Erin and Rosie they make me feel better when no one is around besides my white chicky poos i love them too and them dutchcans well iam with brian now and i guess that is going good now but he is so far away and i am really dumb and i keep comparing things to my past love which i miss him terriblably or horribley or gah i need to learn how to spell but really badly but i am Getting over which ahh that feeling feels soo good i can't believe how good that feeels but like Mariah cArey sings Don't forget about us i misss last year and all that shit
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random which brian are you talking about?? and no my celly is off cause im a bad girl and i have no idea when its oging to be back on i miss you