a rose for....

Listening to: launch radio
Feeling: lovely
today was ah okay not that bad...people just keep pissing me off...and i didn't today and well it wasn't that bad ^_^ but then nothingness, my mom didn't let me to thousand osks today so ben went with amparo..then we still gots to hang out at erins after school.. and i saw jon! i haven't seeen him since morp..and yeh then benjamin callled me aroung 9:30ish and told me that...he has something for me and so i was um okay come over and then he came to my door...and said"one for ur beauty and one for your love" and handed me teo pretty pinkish roses aw some cute shit...like that and they smell all types good..aw...:) hehe okay that is all
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hehe... that's priceless... hugs not drugs... I'll remember that on 420.