last night

Listening to: rumors...
Feeling: sinful
well last night i had beth, amanda, catilynne,and leah over for a P.E sleepover! it was so much fun we had pizza and dvd's and and we ran all over the place it was so much fun then me and beth had a crazy idea ben and anthony wanted to come over so we were all yeh we wanted to bomb ben and anthony with water balloons only problem was we no have water balloons so we filled up zipp lock baggies and hit them it was pretty cool! haha then yeh and when they left we went to the pool and then random ben and anthony del,erin,melanie erins cousin showed up and the asians left and ben went swimming haha o00o if u knew then we watched sex and city and just a bunch of random stuff and we had pancakes!! o0o they left at 12 then i hung out with ben and anthony and did a bunch of random stuff haha it was crazy!! and then ben got in to this huge fight with anthony it was so fuunNY pkay bye now! Maycie
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