Guy's are stupid

Guy's are stupid guy's are gay. Why do all my relationships have to be complicating. Derek isn't talking to me and I don't know why. Friday he was here and everything was as it was before so wonderful between us but not a word have I herd from him. With Mike who knows with him I have been talking more with his brother. He talks to me on the phone we talk serious but in public it's weird. Anyway's it's Scary! The most amazing guy right now in my life is Junior. We are just friends but he is the greatest friend. He is 22 and from Brazil. Thanks for being there Junior. Carol knows him and thinks he is so very hot in which he is. lol We had a great weekend. My mom thinks he speeks porkagees. lol (Inside joke) Anyways we got to go roller skating and go for a night walk which was fun.
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Hey thanks! I hope things go well also but I dunno I just don't think I should get my hopes up! TTYL HUNZ!