My close friend stabed me in the back and probably ruined my friendship with Mike. Mike and I are kind of upset with each other but oh well. It is his loss if he can't trust me and has to jump to conclusions. Flirts with all my friends and I'm right there. Saturday I got to see him and it was almost two weeks from not seeing him and I got not even a hello. He hung on everyone else and flirted with a friend of mine he doesn't even know. He wouldn't even touch me. (not mad at you Carol)
There is an up to this whole situation though. I did get to see a really hot guy that I know very well and when I say Hott I mean it. (lol) ~(Ryan)~ He was great eye candy while the "guy I am seeing" (quote Michael) is being a jerk. (just ask Carol) (lol)
Another plus to my week is Junior he came on Saturday and while Michael was being a jerk kept me company and made me laugh. (Junior your the best)
Last but not least to the Friend who Stabed me in the back you may or may not know who you are but I'm sure you know what you did. I exspect you to come clean and fess up. I now want you to stay out of my relationships and at the moment away from me. I do not like that you talk to him behind my back. I thought you were a good friend and I thought I could trust you. Maybe it is best what you did now I know Michael and are probably not ment to be. As of Saturday I have made the desicion that things between us are over. Unless he comes up with a good come back (which I doubt)are friendship might even be ruined.
ps my sn is mikuspolish16 ;)