
Buddy, T, Hottspencepants, Jake, thejerk, Stewme, Brand, Cody, and John... I should probably make up my mind. I want to be with Buddy but T seems like a better fit. hottSpencepants i know i shall always long for. Jake is hott....and hasn't been kissed...although his hands have wandered before... thejerk has changed into something that actually cares about things, and boy can he dance. Stewme is freaking sexy but is like younger than me...which is scary. Brand...well...he likes me... Cody and i can talk to each other. and John...well john is just funny.... let's see.. there is 1 freshman... 3 juniors... 4 senoirs... and a graduated senior of two years. I'm pathetic....maybe i should just put in the ones that like me.. Buddy, T, jerkface, Stewme, Brand, John, Trav, Thepiro, Loren, Seanny, Chris, Chris, Jed, Scot might have for a while.... i think my list is longer now... I'll just stop now.... this only makes me feel like a slut
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god's not real
no I'm not
I'm top notch kid