Feeling: manic
Hey y'all, Jess and me here at my house. We're just chillin' until the fam goes to my bro's ball game. I'm in a good mood despite my mood description, but alas, I've had little sleep. That means my mind goes toward only a few odd things which include one or many of the following depending on the day of sleep deprivation: eating, killing, torturing, being someone of another nationality or species (sometimes both, ex. Mexican monkeys), or good/bad mood swings (being uber bitchy or super giddy). I'm excited right now cuz me and Jess can hang, and I get to go to Holiday World tomorrow when I thought I would have to work! Yay! ^.^ Well, I think I'm gonna go, so love to all! Brittany the Psychotic Grim Reaper
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She who must not be named...^_^
