| You scored as Sorcerer. Sorcerers create magic the way a poet creates poems, with inborn talent honed by practice. They have no books, no mentors, no theories-just raw power that they direct at will.
Sorcerer | | 80% | Wizard | | 80% | Monk | | 80% | Bard | | 70% | Rogue | | 70% | Druid | | 60% | Ranger | | 50% | Cleric | | 40% | Barbarian | | 40% | Paladin | | 30% | Fighter | | 20% |
Which D&D Class Are You? created with QuizFarm.com |
Aww man, sweet action. Sorcerors totally dominate. While wizards sit and let their power be commanded by stupid rules and regs and mentors, sorcerors just don't give a fuck. Oh yes, my friends, sorcerors
own. >=P
Watched Alexander last night. It was rather interesting, but my favorite character was between Alexander and his mother (played by Angelina Jolie). Alexander's so goal-driven, but arrogant; his mother is so quietly powerful, but slightly... dark, perhaps? I don't know. Her snake obsession is a little different, lol, but she's a really unique, compelling, mysterious, cool character. Not to mention she really does love her son, so she's not just an evil, scheming bitch like the people in the movie think she is.
I thinks I gonna go watch Survivor. So I thinks I gonna says goodbye.
-Bwitt-Bwitt (..... wtf... o.O?)