
this weekend we had a race in peoria. we had to be at school at 4:45am so that we could get to the race on time. so on the way there we all grabbed a bench and slept most of the way down to the meet. steph was pushing me off the bench and the way i was sleeping really messed with my ankle- it still hurts! the race was pretty good, they kept saying that it was a fast course. and i guess it was cuz i got a pr- 21:13! yay! steph got 9th (18:07?) place which is really awesome. kevin ended up passing out in his race and not finishing. klay was the first lane guy w/ 16:35. i was really happy with that race. the bus ride home was really interesting too. as chris put it, we talked about everything from hitler to sex. well... mostly sex, but still.... i was surprised by some of the stuff they said- what they knew and didnt know, what they had done... they thougt i was a weirdo cuz i had never even kissed a guy. so we spent 4 hours talking about all the interesting stuff that you really didnt want to know about people. steph would have loved our conve- too bad she was w/ jenny. sunday was pretty boring except for the fifteen minutes i was online w/ matt. i finally got the courage to ask him for his sn so now i cam im him and we can talk online. how did i end up here so crazy about him so fast??? ok journalism is ending so ive got to go!
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