Elven Archer
You are an Elven Archer! With your ancestrial background, you kill many at once with your wicked archery skills. You are quick-witted and clever and have great skill. Go you. Take the quiz: "Which Star Wars Character are You?"
Obi-Wan Kenobi
The wise, and powerful Obi-Wan. You give your life to help Luke, and for this, gain immortality in the force. You were once a great Jedi Master. Take the quiz: "Which Viking God, Goddess or Mythological Creature are you? (COOL PICTURES)!"
You are Thor, the most popular God of them all! You relate well to people and are very strong and practical. Your giant hammer helps you as a blacksmith, and you can create thunder and lightning in the sky. However, what you like best is just a night of eating, drinking and partying. Take the quiz: "What is your true element? (anime pics and detailed answers)"
You're typically friendly to most people, but when something bugs you, watch out! You're very short tempered and don't take crap from anyone. You have a lot of friends, some closer than others, but you're a free spirit that can't be tied down. This is great because it lets you be your own person, but it causes you to have a certain phobia when it comes to comitment. You're very strong willed, and always have to have your way This usualy isn't a problem, you can charm others into getting you what you want. Watch out, though, you may unknowingly hurt a friend or relative in all your mood swings. Take the quiz: "What Mystical Creature Would You Be? (Girls Only)"

Stubborn, beautiful, but still generous. You love to get your own way. You have a temper, At the same time you are generous. You are a hard worker and have a stick-to-it iveness about you. You never give up. WEll, as you can see....I got bored. Nothing to really say tonight....