"The Sun Will Rise Tomorrow Come What May
And You'll Feel Better That You Do Today
And In Time You'll Cry No More
I Know Cause My Hearts Been There Before
Listen To Your Heart And Clear Your Mind
And You Will Find The Answer Everytime
Every Road You Travel On Will Lead
To Where It Is Your Hearts Supposed To Be."
Ya know, It's amazing how much comfort those 3 words can bring to a person. You know...'I LOVE YOU.' Love can come in so many forms, from boyfriend to girlfriend, husband to wife, mother to daughter, child to puppy, friend to friend. When one expresses love, it just brings so much genuwine happiness. I wish the entire world was like that, you know...just happy, truly happy. I have been truly happy at points in my life, just that feeling.. that sense of comfort and security...and you know, if everyone could just be nice to each other FOR ONCE, I mean...EVERYONE...this world would be such a happier place!!
Okay thats my spheel about love lol.
So things are getting better. It's amazing how quickly things can change...
"Life throws many different things your way but the things you need will come to you when you least expect them...but just when you need them the most."
I was talking to Nellie the other night about how nothing was going right and I realized I was being very selfish and cynical about life and I just need to realize that everyone has 'down points' in their lives and just need a break from the world, and in turn...they shut out everyone else. I realized this because I thought back...I thought back and realized that I too, have also had these points in my life and when I did...I didn't want anyone around. I realized Steven was going through a rough time and needed to sort things out for himself. Without me nagging him about it, and without me trying to comfort him...without interuptions and without me worrying about if it was me...which it wasn't. The other night everything turned around, he called me from the beach and it was just wierd how I could tell he was coming back to himself. He got back into town tonight but I was at work, I talked to him on the phone and everything was fine and for the first time in a long time...I heard, I love you. Just those 3 comforting sincere words, I havent been able to hear that from him in so long and it was just so...relieving...just relieving to know everything was going to be ok. I've heard I love you before, from one other boy...and I could tell he didn't mean it. There was no feeling to it, it was just kind of like..Im saying it to say it, I dont mean it. But anywho...On another note....
Stevens family friend that has been dying of cancer passed away tonight. Not even a fucking warning. I met this lady before, Steven took me for dinner over her house once when he had first started going out. She was one of the nicest, happiest, friendliest people Ive met in my life. She just talked to be about how beautiful I was and to Steven about how I was a keeper and on and on and I was just like aww you are so nice. Why do such bad things happen to wonderful people? I honestly dont understand it. As of like 4-5 days ago, the doctor had said she had 3 or 4 weeks to live. And Steves family had planned to do so much with her because there was so much she still wanted to do and stuff and wow...I just dont get it. I know everything happens for a reason, but wow...
God bless her family and her little girl.
That kinda thing makes me think. There are so many people in this world that take advantage of life and what god has given them and just arent thankful for what they have. And then there were people like her, like Shirley, who are dying of cancer and are still the happiest people around! They cant wait to see what the day brings them and they want to do as much as they possibly can with the time given them.
Dont take advantage of your life, live everday to your fullest. Be thankful for what you have and who you love because you never know what lifes gonna bring and what obsticles are going to be thrown your way. Take this as an example and just know that what you have right now...even if you dont like it...there are plenty of people that would love to live the life you are living.
God Bless