
Listening to: Depeche Mode
Feeling: abused
I hear the whisper of pleasure Oh how it sounds so soft It wraps its comforting arms around my corpse The feeling is so passionate Oh I wish this sensation would last forever. But it doesn’t The whisper grows into a horrific scream It shoves me and throws me into the sticky blood of the ones it has slaughtered before me I cry… It binds Its violent hands around my throat The pain matures The evil in Its eyes frighten me Darkness in is voice cries MURDER It tightens its grip Takes the sinful dagger and drives it into my heart With the strength I have left I tell It only the words that meant nothing to me until I felt Its touch ‘I love you’ I fall My cold lifeless body lay in Its arms It looks at me Its now gentile fingers close my eyelids It kisses me with its silky lips It tastes the blood on my rouged lips Tears fall from its cheeks The joy of her living is gone forever Her love has taken her away…
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among other things yes
im doing alright.
kinda tired tho.. lol
i've been having BIG probs with my ex girlfriend, tho.. :(
oh my gosh. I adore your diary. your background is so spiffy!
I was trying to figure out who this was! aha okay. Hey hun new diary im assuming...? ♥
as in jordyn.....williams?
if so, awsome, i just saw you like 30 minutes ago at the fair.
but yeah. hi
no.. i live in ohio..
my ex lives in california.
Hey, Its Jen here. I just wanted to say thanks, and yes, I know that a lot of people my age get pregnant. but the truth is that I am not really pregnant. I wouldn't want o espically at this age. I just wanted to see what friends would believe it, and who knows me best. And I love your background, its really cute :)
i'm assuming i know you, cause i know a lot of the people on your friends list, but uhh..do i know you?
anyways, i'm doing good i suppose, just chillaxin during summer eh.
ya. there is something u can do.
hire a hitman and have em go to ca and have em kill summer.
i'll pay ya back ^_^
lol im just kidding.