Another time, another place.

Listening to: Another Day - RENT
Feeling: musical
This sums up my feelings about Twilight. This guy is my new hero. My siblings are out to get me. Honestly. Maybe I SHOULD move out just to get away from this massive headache. It's been a week and I already have a massive migrane. Just for the record, this isn't in my head. The few friends I have whom have met my family agree that my siblings are exactly the way I dscribe them. No exageration. My sisters friends too. BUT ANYWAYS, my mother happened to say somthing along the lines of "Kim is now an adult, and she shouldn't have to babysit you two all the time, so Vic, you should take some more responsibility around here." My brother took this as "Never listen to Kim ever again." Yeah So today when I tried to carry out my mothers wishes, thats off the computer at 12, and take the garbage out, he spat in my face "Mom said to pretend like you don't exist." Yep. No words describe how much I wanted to leap across the table and throttle him to death. I kept my compsure and calmly said "Alright, I'll pretend you don't exist as well." See how long he can go with out me. In other news, Tori might come over a little later and we might go for a game of Bowling. It shall be so super epic. My father made me cancel my plans for vegetarian taco night with Kerri so we can go see a movie. Really? A movie? I had to cancel for that? I'm not tooooooo torn up though, Kerri and I can have Taco night when ever we wish really, given neither of us really have lives, whereas dad lives out of town and I don't get to see him much. So I'll let it slide...this time. We're going to see the Watchmen. I hear it was pretty epicly awesome. Special effects wise and stuff. I'm bummed Star Trek isn't out yet, that would be so awesome. I would cry tears of joy for Star Trek. It's going to be the best Star Trek movie in the history of Star Trek, and my father and I are big fans. YEAH SPOCK. The sun finally came out today and I was so happy about it. I went outside and walked around for a good half an hour today. I had to go the bank anyways. It was wonderful. My body was in desperate need for the vitamin D. I'm obsessed with RENT again. Holy random I know, but I just thought of it. I love RENT so much. I would love to see it live. WICKED. ANYWHOOT, I must seek nourishment. Final thought: Photobucket This is Rob Sheridan in the future. -- Not wanted by her own goddamn family.
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