I like it when your body goes bump bump bump

Listening to: Bump Bump Bump - B2K
Feeling: focused

Having four days off is a glorious thing, all though I am getting quite annoyed with how impossible it is to see any of my friends. I only live a 15 minute bus ride away and yet I still cannot seem to see any of them.

I'm so frustrated. I just want to spend some time with my fucking friends, because being alone is driving me fucking nuts.

Oh and if a British woman comes up to you asking for Fruit Jellies, she's talking about these:

Just a little pearl of wisdom.

My Christmas was uneventful and unorthodox. It was different in a weird way and I'm still not sure how I feel about it. To add to that we found out that my family is below poverty level on my mom’s income, and since we didn't have quite enough food in the house, we had to resort to getting a hamper from the Cheer board. My mom and I were equally embarrassed and uneasy about the whole thing. It felt a little like stealing because we felt like there were people who needed it more then us, but I think we're in denial about being literally poor. I don't feel poverty stricken. I have a roof over my head and food in my stomach and that, at the end of the day, is all you really need.

I'm not ashamed; I'm just having a hard time processing all of this. I thought we had climbed out of this hole.

I got an email from Student aid and I have to figure that out, and I have to figure out my stupid cell phone bill which has some how climbed to over 500 dollars, so I have to call them. My English professor is under the impression that all Uni students are fucking rich because instead of ordering through the bookstore like a human being, she gets her books from some fucking store in the Exchange district. If my student aid money isn't in she can fucking suck my hypothetical dick. I'm obviously not made of money, and I don't have time to deal with pretentious English profs.

My blood pressure must be through the roof because my stress levels are at maximum capacity. I need something to calm myself down and take my mind of the mess that is my life.


I found this and it made me lol:

Voldy is my BFF obviously.

So, 2009 is coming to a close. Fuck me. It's been an entire decade and I actually remember it. They're saying it’s been the most destructive decade in all of time, and thats kind of saying something. I blame Bush for 99% of it, and I can say that because I'm Canadian.

And say what you will about Harper, because I hate that prick too.

I like how as Canadians we can blame almost everything on…well...being Canadian. It’s because we're clearly better.

Musically, they're saying this decade rocked, and I'd have to agree. We saw the rise and fall of the record company, Radiohead and Nine Inch Nails released five albums each and Indie rock finally hit the main stream...ruining the entire meaning of indie...but I digress. And Radiohead started a movement with the electronic tip jar, and Trent Reznor took it, tweaked it, and made it work revolutionizing music as we know it. iPod became the new thing, and iTunes changed the way we buy our music.

And thats just the tip of the iceburg.

But you don't have to listen to me, I'm listening to Five and B2K at the moment.

If you don't know who either of those bands are, you're too either too young to care, too old to care, or you lived under a rock in the late 90's early 00's.

I leave you with this friends:

Happy New Year!

-- Life is a failure to me.

OH, and I finally got a pair of those fucking Olympic Red Mittens! Its took me two months, but I got em! I wear those things fucking EVERYWHERE.

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