Its hard to sound profound at two in the morning.

Feeling: jittery
I'm fuckin exhausted, but I can't get to sleep. Fuck. Apparently I have a job at fucking Dollarama. My mother is apparently going around and telling people to hire me. Uncalled for mom. I can get a job on my own. Who says I wanna work at fuckin Dollarama? Its fucking Dollarama. I'm in school for RADIOBROADCASTING. I think I can do better. Whatever. Money is Money, and that is somthing that I need. I'm kind of excited to see the Princess Bride. We wanted to put it on so bad, and they fianlly found the right cast to do it. I hear it's going to be awesome. I also miss M-Chuck. A lot. I. Am almost done college. I'm about to graduate. Fuck me. I never said I was ready yet. Other than that, nothing is really going on. Looking around at what kind of apartments are available in this hole we call winnipeg. Mostly in Wolseley, which as it turns out, is hella expensive...but my people are there...Tree-hugging-vegetarian-hippie-dippie-Artsy-Fartsy types. I need to live there. Well. All I can do now is post yuor final thought I guess. I give you David Bowie. Photobucket He is very disappointed. For shame. --This better not get cut off, motherfucker.
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Niceeeeee. :)
Then the 12th is when I shall make sure to go. ;)
I'm trying for the 12th. Thats when Hoolia is going. :D
What night are you going to the play Kimmifer?