Unecessery Anger

Listening to: Eva Cassidy
Feeling: amazed
I went to Little Black Book. It is a really good movie. I really liked it. They only thing now... i am in a really sad mood. Becuase we get done with the movie and we are getting in the car and the dash littles don't go on. Most people would just be like "crap", starting fiddle around with things to see what was wrong. well Not Beth she decideds that this is a good reason to start swearing. She wouldn't mess around with the nobes and thing cause she didn't want to mess up the car. So we did it for her. And WOW we found that when her little brother was playing in the car and had twisted a little nob. I was really sad that she got so mad and started swear. She used to have the Spirt so closed to her.. and i don't feel it at all anymore. That makes me sad. Agent Scully
Read 19 comments
wow. do you have a screenname for AOL or AIM?
little black book was a goood movie.
i started school on august 9th.
no problem about helping.
i like the back groun its cute
i can hear it
cute background...
you start the account at the music site
it will show u were.
somewhere it will show u how to start an accountant

you have got to start an accoutant(free) to be able to get a code for your song.
after u get an account they will send u an activate link thing to your email
then u log in at the iweb place then get your code.
no problem.
u go to that little web i-page thing.
that says like iweb music on my diary just click on that black box with the red outline that says iweb music or whatever.
yes...how sad....
That is sad... I dont really want to go into the things that are happening in my life with friends really... because no matter what you will think less about me. so dont worry about me, things happen, and I can get over them I think. thanks
I'm sorry about this. AHHH! I swear, this site hates me.

the complete it: and the same thing at the beginning without the slash
URGH! ok. i'm going to use words this time. carrot () on the left. then carrot () on the other side. Now I hope that works out for you.
Damn. ok...this:

oh yeah. With :

on both sides. without the space.
Thsi might help. But it was in with many different codes so it might not work. Good Luck! For it not to be my colors, just change them...

um, idk there used to be this site that had all the codes for everything, but it closed down. so idk ..umm cute diary though.
I like that movie to!!..it's good.
it's the third piercing on my left side.

i want ot see that movie....i'm glad to hear that it was good.