50- CeraZA Sinng Along

Listening to: my head
Feeling: amused
There like yellow and green marrshmellows dancing on my Brain. They are poking and proding but never tastng the same. They get old and stale. They wilt and dye.... BUT>>> i still love them casue they taste goooooood. Now there dancing dancing far away. peroets (sp), figure eights, silver skates. cause they are guiding gliding through my brain. On my left side and right side all the way. Around the back over the top. I don't know what to do cause now my brain is starting to throb maybe.. just maybe i am Hilsuinating (sp). Althoug likely impossible, always an opion. Agent Scully
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Did you make that song?
Because it rocks.

And I'm not really that lonely.
a little bit
but don't worry bout me. :D I'm ok. I love you!
Cool, which line?