The Entry Before

Listening to: Ms Jacki- Jacki- O
Feeling: energized
So, James and I are *okay* I'd suppose. I'm a little upset because I promised last night that I'd leave him a *BUNCH* of messages today while he went to work and I did. I left 12 and he IGNORED them ALL completely because some guy is talking about him. God, can't that wait? I'll be gone for 7 FREAKIN DAYS. Oh well. Whatever. -So, this is my last entry before Florida. (If they let us go since Hurricane Dennis is trying to do it's damage). Anyways, I won't be updating so that's why. 7 days. I'll be back, and when I do, I'll leave you LOVE like you left ME some. --Read the entry before this if you want to get pissed off or want to know my all honesty. =).
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yeah...he should've made your messages a priority...i hope you can go to florida...if so...take care...

much love