Shovellin' the white stuff

Listening to: Silence
Feeling: asleep
One helluva snowstorm going on outside as i write this.. i think the power lines are now probably as thick as the bottom half of my screen. Just woke up. Bleh.. i hate having to anythign requiring any sort of human dexterity within about an hour of waking up. I'm just a weird little fool that way :P *checks previous entry* Wow! 3 comments on one entry - thats a new record. Thnx pplz :) Just got this stupid arse spanish mid-term done yesterday.. took me five hours too. Ridiculous, i hate spanish. I'll take japanese, TYVM. Ja Ne.
Read 3 comments
Nice's unique, which is awesome
Thanks! I adore Inuyasha! It rocks my socks! Your Diary is awesome too! I love the colors!