Listening to: Nightwish - Wanderlust
Feeling: ghetto
Really.. at times you wonder if your parents could possibly not give any less of a crap about whats going on in your life. Or be any more rude/insensitive (insert more words here)
etc etc.
Well i've been having a lot of those days recently. And frankly, its starting to get me 100% pissed off.
Last night for example, i'm sitting around playing a game with some friends on the computer, with a voice chat thingus on it - and here my dad comes barging in bitching that i'm being too loud. Mind you as soft as i was talking, the only things that coulda heard me woulda been bugs if there were any around my mic. Oh and this morning he wakes me up yelling like " IF YOU CAN BE UP HOWLING ALL NIGHT THEN YOU CAN GET UP " Then i have to listen to his bullshit for another hour while he finds something else to go rant about
What a fucktard. Honestly my dad is the biggest ass hole i know, the guys got as much patience as a chainsaw, and a temper that would send the devil himself running away in fear. No exaggeration either.
Thats the only thing i can remember right here at the moment - or else this would be longer.
Ok moving on to good stuff:
The 4th of july is coming up soon! YAY!!!
Time to go blow off some skyrockets and make some REAL noise. As a certified 1st class pyro (ask me - ive got a license :P ), the 4th is my favorite day of the year. Definitely. Gotta save about 100$ of this next paycheck for a fireworks budget - HEHE CANT WAIT!!
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