Why do people have to be sore winners?

Feeling: Ranty Initializing 3rdparty rant engine v.0982a - Why do people have to be sore WINNERS? Yep. Often I will lose, go back into the lobby and have someone berate me for losing. "You suck man, I owned you!!!" Now this sort of confuses me, because normally a victory would make someone happy. But no. We live in a world where folks are sore winners AND losers. I blame parents and teachers for telling kids that they're ALL special. They're NOT all special. Newsflash, some of you are mediocre, and some of you are actually really crappy kids with bad manners and not much in the way of brains. When your mom tells you that you can be anything you want to be? She's totally lying dude. You're going to be working the graveyard shift and living in a loveless marriage in a bad part of town before you know it. Up to your eyes in debt, the closest thing you'll have to a friend will be the repo guy who just came to repossess that lemon of a Buick you bought. What were you thinking? And all because you couldn't keep your mouth shut after you won a game of Halo 2. __ Sore winners - step away from the darkside while you have a chance! ... crap. *Drops a coin in his "Making an unnecessary star wars reference" jar* .. BAH. I would write more, but windows has decided that my machine ABSOLUTELY MUST be restarted in 5 minutes to do updates or else things will start exploding. So.. yeah. (Where's those dang fedora 3 cd's...) *rummages through desk clutter* ** yet another freakin edit ** Guess my "Big white box" syndome has cleared up. Now i keep finding stuff to write. I dunno why tho, this is 3:31 AM and theres only 2 other people on sD that are around at this ungodly hour to read wtf i'm saying :/ Ok. Done with this entry.. no more edits .. really. No seriously. No more editing. Go away now. Till next time ~Tsukasa "#000000 Rectangle Condition" Karuna
Read 2 comments
sore winners... what wienees!
yeah they want the oil.
they dont have to make up stupid excuses like WMD to go in and get them
they should grow some balls.
