letting go

dear ____, I'm sorry to inform you that I am no longer to ever be able to hang out with you. I wish I could go back and not have the OD, but it's too late, and our time has run dry. I do care, and I will miss you. I know this is going to be harder for me rather than you, especially since it has taken me 10 months to even come close to getting over you. The only way I am ever going to be okay is if we don't hang out for a while, and I know this is harsh, but time is the only thing that can heal me now, I'm sorry, you really were my best friend, and I really did love you, even though you don't believe me. Somehow I still believe one day things will be alright and go back to how they were. Maybe we will meet up at a coffee shop one day at one in the morning, even though that was some silly idea that I had, it's the only thing I have left to hold on to now. I know you can replace me, you probably already have. And you'll forget about me, and I'll slowly dissapear into nothing. love, ____
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