
So, I find myself writing here once again. I just sent him a message. I stated that I wanted to be with him. He's in a relationship right now (barely a month). I still can't believe I just did that. At least now I'll know what to do once he responds. Urgh. I feel like an idiot. Why do you do this to me? Much Love - ... It is now May 8. He didn't respond. I've given up. He's not worth my time if he can't even reply. Please help me forget him. Much Love -
Read 2 comments
How dare you make a comment like that. If you love someone the rest of the world around them just goes fuzzy. So in my opinion whoever wrote that comment can go fuck them selves...
sd- morphine
Duh he didn't respond he has a g/f what are you...a future homewrecker??