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Boyfriend or no boyfriend?by xneonsharpie6 . 45 pm
Le livre peut chanter et danser
ONGZZZ! 3 MORE DAYS! Until I turn into a full-fledged teenager! -dances-.
This song reminds me of driving to Salt Lake City and Las Vegas because that's what Teresa and I would be listening to. I'm going to play it at my über-rad party!
I think I'm going to break up with Murilo...I just don't want a boyfriend anymore...at least not for some time. No matter how much I like the guy. I'll wait. Yay!
Pleease comment me!
I feel so alone...
unless myy math skills are reallyy that bad. lol. (=
how does it feel to be a real teenager now???
i loved being thirteen. i dunno, so much happened. even though it was onlyy like a year ago. hehe. or maybe i loved it since its myy favorite number.
eh, whatever. (=