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Sleep.by xneonsharpieListening to: Hedley - On My Own
Feeling: longing
5 . 08 pm
And by protecting my heart truely...I got lost...
So. There's not really much to say. It's been like an emotional rollercoaster, this past month. I've had weeks where I was ecstatic over everything, and weeks where I felt lower than dirt.
Colton and Shelby got back together. Way to lead a girl on, kid. I dont know. Maybe I didnt even like him as much as I thought.... Anyway, the most importan thing is: I still like B.J. Which sucks. Because that's just like a lost cause. My chance with B.J. is like...hold on while I think of a simile.
Ah. My chance with B.J. is like a fly's chance of survival for a week.
I know it sucks. Shut up.
So yeah. No one comments me anymore. Which is why I dont update much. Comment me kids.
I fell down the stairs today. ("Smooth, Chels.") I was on like the last two steps and I slid down them onto the hard tile floor and like bruised my hip and hurt my elbow, knee, and finger. It hurted. ;~;
B.J. sits behind me in Math. o= He's so funny. But yeeeah. OH em gee. I almost forgot to mention:
My parents left for two weeks to go to Barcelona. I might have people over on Friday (probably not since only Ian wants to come) and then on Saturday I'm going to my friend's little sister's friend's birthday party. We're just going for the DDR. o=
Haha, kay, well, bye!