Sorta tired

Feeling: torn
All this waking up early and going to sleep late has finally caught up with me. I'm awfully tired. I got a referral to a neurologist about drugs, and the doctor recommended a psychologist as well. I think my mum wants that. It's be completely confidential, anything that i told the psychologist, so i guess it doesn't sound too bad... So I handed two assignments in this week and I had an exam this afternoon which i'm pretty sure i failed. Certain in fact. I dont know... it was just hard. Off to a bad start in Legal studies. It's late and there are bugs on the screen so I think I'll go to bed now. Sweet Dreams.
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It's scary when you think you're pregnant...
I thought I was for the longest time and was to chicken to go see, and it turned out negative... I like whoa... that relieved SO much stress...

You should try doing breathing excerises... and getting a squishy ball thingy... to help relieve stress.

I get too stressed out sometimes and it drives me up the walls. Those two work for me too. And talking to my trusty shrink. Lol

Be well. =)

It's nice. I was sort of uncomfortable at first... but... then I got more comfortable and it just helped so so SO much to get everything out and talk to someone, who won't judge me and if they do/did I didn't care. I didn't know the person nor care what they thought of me. It was her job... so heh.
It's really good though to know that I can have someone to talk to when things get tough. You should go... it helps a lot. =)