More sentimental than most of my posts...

Feeling: complicated
Love. It's incredible, so we're all lead to believe in our youth and then we reach our teenage years and we realise just how complicated emotions are and everything seems to go downhill. But the ideals we were brought up with were right, it's a great thing. If you've experienced love then you're lucky. Even just being with someone, just holding him while you're lying on top of him, your naked flesh pressed against his and that sense of just... warmth and comfort, is wonderful. Valentine's Day just passed and I'm still alone, as always. I like kissing, I like touching, I like being with someone. I also like Him, talking to Him, making him laugh, knowing that I mean something to Him. I don't like missing His calls and not hearing from Him for days when I know He's stressed and angry. I failed Him. And what's funny is that by failing Him I'm just disadvantaging myself. I love Him even though we've never been able to spend those moments together, naked and close, doesn't that mean something? I want to be with Him. I want to be with someone, to feel close to someone again, but He's the only one I trust and care about, really. Ideally He's the one I should be with and really He's the one I want to be with, but it can't happen. I just lied to my friend's boyfriend, told him she never fucked anyone else on Schoolies. He loves her so much, and it would be wrong to say that she doesnt deserve to be loved, but she dismissed that love so easily. I've never been loved like that and I'd never cheat on anyone, I've had the opportunity to on numerous occasions. I just want love again, I think.
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love maskes you think that finally something is worth it.
fucking love sucks
love maskes you think that finally something is worth it.
fucking love sucks
love maskes you think that finally something is worth it.
fucking love sucks