
Feeling: bored
I really honestly think I have borderline personality disorder. It's most common in young females (check) who've had a history of emotional/physical abuse or neglect (check for neglect) and symptoms include anger management issues (check), self-image issues (fucking hell yes), self-mutiliation (check) continuous feelings of loneliness/boredom (CHECK) and trust issues (cheeeeeeeeeeeeck!) among other things. It'd explain a lot of things. Unfortunately because the symptoms may occur only because of hormonal fluctuations, it can't properly be diagnosed until about 18. I'm 17. But in all honesty I think this is something I've had for a while. It's supposed to be genetic, but my parents are fine. I think it may have something to do with my tourette's also. My parents know nothing of my self-image problems or trust issues, etc, however, so I dont know what to do about this. Most likely I'll just wait and if I don't have BPD I'll known within a relatively short while, but if I still suspect this in a year I think I'll go to a doctor...
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