It seems like everyone is getting oral but me.

Feeling: blank
It hit me a few days ago. I'm a misanthropist. I have absolutely no faith left in humankind, at all. To even think that humanity could acheive something as beautiful as equality was stupid... bye bye, feminist thoughts. It was pointless, getting angry when people made sexist jokes about women and all that. It just made them do it more. The entire race, or at least the male members of our race, is insensitive. All anyone ever does is hurt other people... Everyone is so stupid. As if you'd have beliefs, I'm so over that. Having beliefs is just a reason for people to hurt you. When they do that, when they dismiss your beliefs and your thoughts and opinions like that it hurts, so I'm just not going to have beliefs or opinions anymore. I'm not strong enough to keep them and fight with everyone who disagrees with them (and the majority of people I know disagree with mine). Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe the male race IS superior. It kills me, it really kills me to write this. I hate myself, but that's got to be better than everyone hating me, right? I never onces showed them weakness, I never once broke down in front of anyone else, and maybe they wanted me to break down and to be weak. To be like them. And that's why they pushed me and pushed me. Well they did it, they broke me. But I'll never show weakness in front of anyone else. I hate everyone. The way they change their personality inf ront of others. I even hate myself for doing this though I try not to do it. But... wouldn't a true misanthropist kill themself? What to do, what to do...?
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nice diary......<3-lexiiii
Thanks for making me think..

..I really have nothing else remotely worthy to say, sorry.