Rude Comments

To all those leaving rude comments, please structure your thoughts so as to not come across as a complete Ass. Have traced the meanest comment back to El Paso and only know two people from that area, have a feeling who it is and I really don't appreciate that. Friends or not, you shouldn't say things like that about me or my love. Everything will be closed off, all my thoughts private if I have to deal with stupid remarks from people that don't know the situation. Ash, I care about what you think, but you have to realize that I love her more than anything, nothing is going to change that, especially anything you say. I am old enough to make my own decisions and rely upon my own heart and mind. Again, comments are good if constructive, please don't place stupid remarks or offensive things about me or my girlfriend. Aaron
Read 3 comments
We read your diary cause we care. If you cant handle what we say about what you write then dont wine on here! Try talking to Dawn directly!
I totally agree with Jessica down there.

You know, you can block anonymous comments if you want. I mean, if they really really bother you.

And I'm not getting involved. Trust me, you'd know if I were getting involved. You couldn't miss it if I were getting involved. I'm just letting you know what I think.

Because that's what friends do.

i apologize for my rude comments...but...I get angry. plus...I was drunk! So, anyways, sorry.