The Request....

Ok, so I have been told to write about work and the woman.... well, they are both work;) So here it goes!!! Work is awesome, I have been pretty busy doing all the little things, fixing a printer, installing software, setting up workstations for new employees and burning cd's. See, they have this program they do in Vegas every year and they are trying to get a bigger showing so we are burning a short video of what all goes on in Vegas and distributing it to all the branches across the nation. So far, in 2 weeks I have burned over 550 of these stupid cd's and labeled them as well as packaged them to be sent out. Now, it isn't hard and as long as they want to pay me $10 an hour to sit there and burn cd's I am fine with it but it does get boring to just sit there and do the same thing all day long. My first check was over a week and a half late, got lost in the mail and had to have another one issued to me. My second check was direct deposited to me but there was a mix up in that I didn't get paid for Memorial day even though it was a closed holiday for the company and everyone gets paid for their shift.... someone is looking into that for me so all is good. Now, work can't be all good, here is the little bit of stress I am going through. I work with two guys, both older than I doing programming instead of the computer repair junk that I do. Well, here is what is going on with them. Andrew, the guy that hired me, is on his honey moon with his wife for till the 20th (out an entire week) and Tom, the other guy, is expecting his wife to have their baby early next week and then he will be out. Well, when they are out they want me to keep the ship running. Doesn't sound so bad until you realize that I don't know any of what they do. They program and while I have done programming in my life, they are writing in several different languages that I haven't ever looked at. They are working on programs that if I screw up could take out our entire division until someone gets them up and running. I also have to deal with direct calls from potential clients checking on the status of their online submissions for forms trying to become insured. In short, my life will be crazy... They tried to help me in that I got a 2 hour crash course in both positions yet they have been working there 5 years doing what they do and I got it all in 2 hrs! There is a supervisor, the head guy in charge of technology but he doesn't really like to be bothered so I hope he understands that I will be giving most of the programming stuff to him! Ok, now on to the woman, we are good yet have our moments. She works for Foley's and doesn't make a lot of money, doesn't enjoy the job and comes home with a lot of stress. It isn't that she takes any of it out on me, just that she wants to talk it all out with me. This I understand and it doesn't bother me one bit to talk it all out. The thing that gets to me is that for quite some time now, money has been a big issue for her, not being able to make rent, pay for food, gas, whatever because she isn't paid much. Well, she is still in the same boat but I guess doing a little better through help from her family. Well, we go out every now and then, looks like at least 2 times a week now, to a movie or dinner or both and I always buy... It isn't as if I am in any kind of financial trouble now with the job, but it doesn't feel good to ALWAYS buy. I know in the past I wouldn't ever let the woman pay, but it was more of a want for her to offer than to actually do it. Well, her is the entire story, she was flat broke for my Christmas and not really interested in me, I got her a present but she got me nothing... then jump to my birthday, we had been together for four months and she still didn't do anything for the bday, no card, no present, no dinner out, nothing.... well, she made a cake and that was sweet... Now we go out all the time and it is always on my tab, once I had them split the bill and it created a huge argument between us (the splitting the bill was before I got a job). Ok, so this is how it all gets to me... last night I heard again about the money problems and we decided to go to eat and see a movie. I had no problem doing this as I wanted to go out and see this movie but once we got to the theater, after hearing about her limited funds, which if she has any money at all it needs to pay off her credit card, she goes and buys $4 scoop of ice cream. Ok, I know I am over reacting, but it pissed me off that she has NO money and she still spends it on stupid things, I just want her to show a little self control and not spend everything, money she doesn't have, on stupid things. Ok, outside of all that junk, we are great. She makes me smile all the time! She will be going home for an entire week for her B-Day and I am not sure if I will visit her at home or just wait for her to come back up to Dallas. I think the time apart might help us, but then again, it will be strange to be away from her for so long..... Oh well, things are going good....what more can I ask for.... Take Care, Aaron
Read 5 comments
For one thing, you're always going to have issues with wanting girls to pay for some things. Cause, you know, what else are boys for but to buy stuff for girls? :P

I'm glad things are going all around well for you. And Patrick does like you, he just didn't like graduation. Patrick likes everyone--he's a ham.

Don't work too hard, don't get stressed. It's not worth it, trust me.

Have a great day.

Hey, loser, add [lonelyland] and [syztrix] to your friends.

Don't work too hard.

Thank you.

Glad to hear ya'll got some things hammered out. And thank you for saying that my diary is at least sorta interesting, I try to spice it up as much as possible. I wasn't trying to get in your business or anything, wasn't trying to tell ya how to live or think or feel, just putting in my 2c. Hope things continue to go well....Take care.

FYI - I erased all of the comments on my diary, i figured since you were now friends only....
And I erased my comments on yours, just don't wanna stir anything up, ya know?