Quick Entry...

Man, didn't realize it had been so long since I last posted. Sorry to all the avid readers... Anyhow, I guess I have just been rather busy as all the professors seem to think that they should pile up the work just before Spring Break, tests and homework alike. Well, that was last week... today was my first day of freedom, yes Spring Break is upon us at UTD. Well, I had a Politics test, got it back and got an 85 on it. That makes me happy. Took a Physics test, no idea what that one is like... yuck, Physics! After Spring Break I have a Differential Equations test and an Fundamentals of Music test. Lots of fun. Today, as it is about 3 am, I will be taking Josh and Donald back to that lake we went to before. It should be a fun day. Tracy is doing some kind of group thing with some of her friends, disguised as a class project in order to get them all together, then watching movies the rest of the afternoon. I really wish she was going with me, that would just make it all that much better. See, she has to work most of spring break, so Tuesday was really her only day off and she is spending it away from me, that kind of sucks, but such is life. Anyhow, as I said, it is late and we are leaving for the lake at 10, so not much time for sleep.... Love you all, take care! Aaron
Read 2 comments
Yeah back in highschoool I used to write P.I.G on some of my physiks homework and test. Can ya guess what that means? I stands for "is"
[Friday: 11 March 2005 // 8:11 post meridan]

Aren't you supposed to be home? Why haven't you called me back?

I miiiiiiiiiiss you.

