Long time...

I really don't know why I don't do much upkeep on this thing. I used to enjoy writing in here so much and now I just don't have much to say. I read and check up on everyone as part of my morning schedule at work, but I just don't take the time to write about what is going on in my life. Class' aren't fun, I have decided I hate Physics, my Stats professor is very closed minded and I like Digital Systems, just not sure how well I will do in the class. Work is going great, not stressful and the guys are awesome. The little cold snap we had a few days ago kind of got me a little sick, just the sniffles and such, but still, not fun. I will be going home this weekend, taking Donald and Ben with me, will be a crowded Mustang, but at least everyone will get to see their families. I have a couple of friends I want to get a hold of, drop in for a visit but I just don't know what their weekend's hold. Ash may be doing something with the family as they just moved, Dawn looks to be going to a concert, and I will have to leave kind of early on Sunday as I have to take Ben back to UNT which will add about 2 hrs to my 6hr drive. Friday will be a long day as I work from 8-1, have a lab that starts at 3:30, no idea how long it will last, and then from there I drive home.... Probably get in pretty late Friday night. Well, take care... Aaron
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23 October 2005 = one year at sitD.

Happy one year to you.
Happy one year to you.
Happy one year, dear Eddie.
Happy one year to you.

hey aaron. it's been forever! i just started back at sitd from a long break...you should start writing more too :) hope you're doing well.

Holy trapezoid, Aaron. Write another entry.

Almost 2 months since an entry.....what's up??????
As soon as finals are over, I'm expecting a LONG, insightful entry!!!! You've had lots of time to think it up, now freakin write it! ;) It was great seeing you Thursday, thanks for hanging with us!
That's it.
