
Well. Since teh fight with my grandfather i guess alot and nothing at the same time has happened. Ive been sick for the past month, Its been horrible, so i finally scdueled myself a doc apointment for tommorrow. I found a job, but it kinda sucks... Now no one laugh.. But im selling kirby vacs, lol.. Look at the economy though.... who the hell wants to buy a 2000 dollar vac? Im probaly going to have to quit, i no longer hvae a ride to and from =( ehh.. i guess it dont matter though, i wasnt getting paid for my 12 - 14 hour days. My boyfriends mother is comming up - oo - TODAY. He wants me to meet her and honestly i dont think i ve ever been so nervous about meeting the parents before, lol. I just relized, we been dating for almost a year... Hmm.. Maybe he really will keep me. Hah. ( i still think theres a lot of secrets behind him, but if he - or anyone else asked me about what, i couldnt honestly say.. Then again i always think somethings missing, or hidden with every aspect of my relationships. ) Well i guess i should go and try to find something to do with myself for now. Talk to everyone later!
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