PRELIMS: a survivor series

Listening to: Creed-Young Grow Old
Feeling: genki
Gawd. 3 days without updating. And I survived. Hallelujah. If there’s one thing all teachers have in common, it’s their reverse psychology. Some say their test is easy when it’s really hard, others says their test is hard when it’s really easy. I think its bullshit, because I get overly dismayed on both ways. And do you get the feeling when you study for something, then when you start answering tests your mind draws a total blank? Or, when you don’t study for something, that’s the time where your pen starts to fly all by itself over the stinky, photocopy-fresh paper? That’s exactly what happened to me. I have a strange study habit, they say. I don’t read, but at least, I listen. But still! Life’s just not fair. Ugh. I'm just so glad that its over.
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