
Well, I feel better now. Everything still isn't great, but it's getting there. I'm sick of everyone calling me whore. I don't even know the people who are calling me it. It's really pissing me off. Everyone expects us to kiss. This morning, I was talking to Kristen, and I turned around, and I saw Greg with Steph, but I didn't stop, I just kept walking, I thought if I talked to Greg or anything I would just get really emotional and start crying. So, I kept on walking, and then he came up behind me and so we started talking, then this one chick was looking at us, so I was just looking at her, and then Kyra[sp?]said Leave them alone, let them kiss!!! and I just started crying, I couldn't help it. The whole time he was like it's okay, I'm sorry, it's okay. Then we had to go, and while I walked away, I tried not to cry, but I couldn't help it. I seriously thought it was over. Then at the end of the day I was about to get on the bus, then the bus driver just shut the door on me, and then she opened it and everyone was like Why didn't you guys kiss?!?!?!'. And this other chick was like 'Awww that's so cute, you guys were holding hands!!!'. This day sucked. I fucking hate Mrs. Sanders so fucking much. She's so god damn annoying. Like I'll be doing my lesson in Micro Type Pro while she's going 'I O U E...BLAH BLAH BLAH', while banging on the desk and it's like SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!! Then today at lunch...god. Matt was saying something to me and I wasn't paying attintion so his little bitch yelled out 'ALEXANDRIA ALEXANDRIA ALEXANDRIA' and I was like 'What?' and then he pointed to Matt, and he was like 'Suck my cock', then awhile after that Matt yelled my name and they were all yelling out stuff and he like said I want to smack that ass or something. It's pissing me off. I'm not a whore. I'm not a fucking whore. Also Tara and I were walking in the hallway and Ben yells out 'TARA, ALEX!!! GUESS WHAT??? WE HAVE SOMETHING IN COMMON!!! I CUT TOO!!!', I don't know how he would know, I don't even know if he's saying that he know that I do just in general or that he knows what happened last night. I don't even get it. It seems like everyone knows about everything, and I don't know how. Edit: Eh too much fucking homework. I don't want to do it!!!! I have to look up stupid fucking spanish shit on the internet, then I have to make 40 fucking flash cards, then I have to do my English, which I have to read, and then answer questions, and take reading notes, plus I also have math. TOO MUCH FUCKING HOMEWORK GOD DAMMIT!!!!!!!!! I think about today and yesturday and how it's such a big blur. It's like I don't remember any of it. It just really reminded me of my dreams that I have...alot....It just felt like...omg please don't let this be real...please...wake up, wake up, god damnit just fucking wake up! It's a good thing it happened though...so...I can change what I've been doing wrong. Hopefully I've been improving... Orchrastra sucks now. I miss Tara, it's just not right without her. It's like I'll look back at the basses and THERES NO TARA! and then I feel bad and bored. Like all Zach does in orchrastra is like sing about me. Like today he was like 'Alex is so depressed, so she can't smile, blah blah blah'. God, I really don't want to do my homework.... I wish today were Friday already. I've had enough for this week. yea, I'm gonna go...I might write more later.
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