
Ahhh I hate my hair. It's like I can't do anything with it. Gahh. She like cut off all the parts that make my hair all flippy and stuff I don't know. It's just weird. I wish she wouldn't have cut my bangs though....they used to be like to my shoulders and now they're like to my neck, and it just looks...differnt. It does feel really good though, but that doesn't help the way it looks. I can't like poof[sp?] it out because then it looks really weird. Godmotherfuckingdammit. So, tomorrow Greg, posibly Catie, Tara, LeeAnn, and I are all going bowling. It'll be fun. I feel horrible, I haven't gone Christmas shoping for anyone yet. And their is only 4 more days till Christmas. I'm so fucking......................I don't know. Stupid? I don't know what to talk about... Lisa smells really good... So, Catie is getting her braces off today....lucky. It's going to be forever till I get my braces off, because everyday you don't wear your rubbers, you have to wear your braces another 3 days. Shit.
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I want to see your hair!!