the glove compartment is inaccurately named

I hate seeing people fall, and what I hate more is when I can't help someone because I'm part of the reason why they're falling. There's someone who used to be a friend of mine, and she's going through a lot of pain. It's only the kind of pain that I can read about because we don't talk anymore, and that is my fault because I fucked up greatly. No matter what I think of her, no one deserves the pain she's going through and I really wish I could tell her that. I really wish I could apologize to her, but I'm too chickenshit to actually say something. I've attempted letters of apology, but they never go anywhere. I can only write these bullshit words. I never do anything. I hate this attitude I have lately. It's completely wasteful of the girl I could be. I hate avoiding conversations, not returning calls.
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yeah i know exactly what you mean. this girl i was friends with my whole life on and off like best friends .. well she thinks i told someone something she told me abotu someone else and i didnt. and she wont believe me and no matter wat i say she rolls her eyes and is like YUPPP WATEVER DONT CARE. im just like WTF grow up! it can be so damn frustratin.
Hey, I NEVER return calls! ^___^ or e-mails or IMs or normal mail or anything else!
i feel the same exact way all the time. its like u want to just reach out and help and u cant cuz u feel to blame or somethin. idk. :
I know how you feel. Thats how I feel too. I feel like I'm the cause of my friend's pain and suffering and I can't help them.