
I don't know what to write, but it's not like I don't have anything to say. I have so many little things I need to write about-to get off my mind- but I don't know where to begin. Saturday, I got paid, and then went to a party. A friend's ex wife kept calling him the whole night saying that she misses him, and it was all bullshit. It really hit him hard though. Afterwards, we went to a bar, and everyone had a drink, excluding me, of course. And then I went home and just slept, it was lovely. Sunday Morning, I finished a movie. I had a nervous breakdown from my mom's insulin reaction. It's just something too hard to handle and it's so frustrating. And the whole time, all I can think of is that I wish I had a mother who would take care of herself and who wasn't passed out on the couch all the time. After the whole ordeal, I got invited to a friend's for dinner. Her neurotic dog bit me twice. The first time I was just petting it because it sat next to me practically begging me to pet it. I have a huge bit mark on my arm, which the owner shoved in the dog's face about an hour later. She kept saying to the dog "look at what you did to Sara", like a dog can tell blood from flesh, and an hour later. I mean dogs are smart, but people always give them much more credit. Well while the owner was "showing what the dog did to me" it bit me again. So I have two cuts from a neurotic dog, and then I find out that she doesn't even get the stupid ass beast vacinated. I truly believe that dogs reflect their owners. Well I met the parents of someone I go to school with, who is very small.. to put it nicely. His mom asked me millions of questions about him, and this is one of the guys who made fun of me so bad that made me cry a couple of times. she asked all about him, and I just smiled and said he was nice to everyone and not to worry about him, and that he had many friends. It turns out that she wants to hook me up with her older son who is quote unquote cute. Of course I'll give him a chance and I'll go out on a date with him, but what is up with all these mothers trying to set me up? What is it that moms see in me, that guys my age don't see? His mom is really sweet, but oddly enough, she kept referring to me as her "future-daughter-in-law". Well, I've rambled enough.
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