Ryan is...raspberry jam.

Listening to: Ryan being freakish
Feeling: awake
Oh...god...raspberry jam and grapefruits...more to come. Well, I was sitting here in American Gov't, bored as usual, when Ryan starts talking about Raspberry Jam. Mind you, this is after we made Microsoft Sam say various strange phrases on the speech program ("Elmo says, gimme summ-o dat sweet ass, baby cakes"), but before we began rambling about sex with Furbies ("Yum...Yum...No...That's Furby's eye...ARGH!!"). So anyway, he pulls off his trademark Dicky Nixon voice ("I've got a fabulous plan, a FANTABulous plan, but first, you need to cover yourself in Mayonnaise, my dear lover"), after which he pulls out the Elmo on speed ("Elmo no ticklish there, go lower"). After this, he begins mumbling about raspberry jam. Ryan channeling Furby:"You have to smother yourself in raspberry jam, or furby will take advantage of you like big black Johnny in the next cell over, Bubba." Myself:"And what happens when you don't like raspberry jam, Ryan?" Ryan:(silence) Me:"...?" ryan:"Then furby calls elmo up and sticks his raspberry in your ear, bitch. Now bend over!" Me:"Gagh...that's...strange. But at least they aren't grapefruit."
Read 3 comments
Uh... I'm confused... but I think maybe that's the point...
Hahaha love you!
HI! I'm just being a dork so ignore this comment.
Hahaha nice. So this is like my third comment to you but this one is to see if the comment picture works. Hehe. Fun story though :)
Love you!